Mythical Man Month On My Bookshelf

Mythical Man Month On My Bookshelf

I was reading so often about this one on the net and in other books that it was on top of my reading list quite a long time. I had no idea what to expect from this book and I haven’t found there anything what recently I like the most, like tips on software development, refactorings to patterns or code tunning. Well it’s non of those things but of course it’s not the author’s fault. Definietly I should do some more research before buying this one, as I think this book is not for startups in software industry like me. I belive, people who manage projects and people resources enjoy reading this book much more than those who write software only.
I cannot say I didn’t like it though, overall is always nice to read about such a huge project like soft for IBM mainframe.
Maybe not really what I’m looking for these days but definietly valuable read!

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