Jasper Reports Book

Jasper Reports Book

One of the latest books on my bookshelve is ‘Jasper Reports 3.6 Development Cookbookby Bilal Siddiqui. If you have ever wrote/maintained an application which has to
gather some data into a report form using java technology this can be a book for you.
The book is divided into 50 sections, each being a separate recipe, describing how to build a particular part of the
report like headers, footers, grids etc.
Every recipe found in this book has a form of a well prepared tutorial with screen shots and ‘extensive’ explanation about a
particular topic.
This book goes straight to the point which some of the developers will really appreciate, it’s a 50 quick recipes on how to
use iReport software and Jasper Reports library effectively and with no fuss.
You can find more info about the book here
Hope you’ll like it too.

jasper reports 3.6 development cookbook

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