BeaconHarvester - my first iOS application on the iTunes Store

BeaconHarvester – my first iOS application on the iTunes Store

A few weeks ago I have decided to learn some Objective-C and the reason for that was mainly to be able to play around the iBeacon technology. At the company I work for (Softwaremill) we organised a hackathon day where we tried to build a sort of game using the ibeacon technology both for iPhone and Android devices. (More about the Hackathon itself can be found here).

To prepare myself a bit more I have started to play around the iOS and created simple application for finding iBeacons near you. The app simply allows you to store the info about iBeacons and see on the map all the beacons found so far. To learn a bit more I tried to submit an app to the Apple App store and today my app got finally accepted. Hurray!!

The application is called BeaconHarvester and is available here:

Between the first submission and today I got rejected twice because I was using ‘iBeacon’ word inside the application name :).

Anyway, glad to be on the app store 🙂

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